How to Scale Your Product Listings For Maximum Exposure in the FB Marketplace

Here is a pro tip for all of you out in Posting Land.

Automating your posts is one of the best decisions you can make for your business.

We even have a tried and true strategy for those of you with only 10-30 listings to post, but still need to get maximum exposure to bring in sales for your business!

Create multiple ads for the same product!

As long as you remember to use different photos you will be ok.

A few ways to do this would be to take new photos of the same items, but with different backgrounds. You can also take photos from different angles.

Using a simple strategy like this could double, triple, or even quadruple the amount of posts you can put in the marketplace to make sure you are being seen in this crowded world of sellers!

Use our software to its full potential! You aren’t posting manually anymore!

Create a full library of ads to post. Once they are created, you will never have to manually post them again! It’s a one time thing.

                                       Facebook Marketplace

This doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. Continue to add more posts every week and over time you will be seen as a powerhouse in the Facebook Marketplace.

To truly make sure your products are seen, we also suggest posting from multiple Facebook accounts, creating a schedule and sticking to it!

Instead of only posting from your account, there may be someone else’s account in the company whose account can be used for posting. Many of us even post from our spouses account! Keep it in the family! Posting from multiple accounts on a schedule is a major cheat code

Imagine 120+ posts going out from your account Monday, then your spouse Tuesday, then your business partner on Wednesday.. Then yours again Thursday etc.. The possibilities are endless!

Take full advantage of our software and develop your FB Marketplace posting strategy today!